Newspeak Professional Magazine - Premium WordPress Theme by Avantgardia
- Created: 17/04/2016
- Latest update: 17/04/2016
- By: Avantgardia
Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email us.
Installing Newspeak theme is simple, as any other WordPress theme.
After unpacking package you downloaded from ThemeForest, upload Newspeak theme folder to your themes folder on your server. After that login to WordPress backend and go to Appearance -> Themes and Newspeak theme should show up in your themes list.

Hover Newspeak theme with your mouse and click on Activate button to activate it.
After theme is activated, you will get the following message in the upper part of your screen.

Click on "Begin activating plugins" link.

You will get new page with a list of plugins that is recommended to use with the theme. Check all the checkboxes and from the dropdown Bulk action select "Install" and click on Apply button.
WordPress will automatically install all plugins and inform you that everything has gone well. Click on the "Return to Required Plugins Installer" link. You will return to previous page. Select all the plugins and from the dropdown Bulk action select "Activate". Click Apply button. All the plugins are now active and you are ready to begin using the theme.
Go to Appearances->Theme Options and you will get the following page

Here you will find all global theme options arranged in 6 tabs: Global, Background, Shop, Footer, Advertisement and CSS, JS & Fonts.
Here is the overview for the General Options tab in Theme Options page.
Main Logo
Main logo option lets you set your logo in the theme header. Click on the "Upload" button and you will open WordPress media library where you can select logo that you have already uploaded, or upload new image. Select your logo image and click "Choose image" button. You have selected your site logo.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open Home page of the website to view changes.
Secondary Logo
Secondary logo option lets you set your logo that is shown in header on smaller screens and in the footer of the website. Click on the "Upload" button and you will open WordPress media library where you can select logo that you have already uploaded, or upload new image. Select your logo image and click "Choose image" button. You have selected your site logo.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open Home page of the website to view changes.
Footer copyright text
You can put your copyright text or any text here that you want to be visible in the footer of the website.
Sidebar on front page
Check this option to enable sidebar on home page. This option will not work if you are using full width grid on home page.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open Home page of the website to view changes.
Sidebar on archive
Check this option to enable sidebar on archive pages. Don't forget to add widgets to the sidebar, otherwise it won't be visible.
After you have made your selection, click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Sidebar on single
Check this option to enable sidebar on single posts and pages. Don't forget to add widgets to the sidebar, otherwise it won't be visible.
After you have made your selection, click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any post or page of the website to view changes.
News ticker
Check this option to enable News ticker under main menu on all pages and posts of the website. News ticker is a carousel that is shown under main menu of the website, it displays selected number of posts, and slowly scrolls them across the page. You can show any number of posts here regardless of the screen size.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any front page of the website to view changes.
Ticker category
Select category from which you want to display posts in News ticker.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any front page of the website to view changes.
News ticker post count
Select how many posts do you want to show in the News ticker.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any front page of the website to view changes.
Header ad code
Paste your advertisement embed code, image or any html to be displayed in site header. Header is responsive ad block, it starts from 970x90, then shrinks to 928x90, 728x90, 460x60 and finally 320x50 depending on the available screen width, so it fully supports Google ad size standards.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any front page of the website to view changes.
Here you will find the overview for the Grid options of this template.
Grid on Home page
Check this option to enable grid view on home page. This option will only work if you didn't set static front page in WP options (Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays -> A static page). Alternatively, you can also set grid on home page using one of two available grid template pages (Grid Template and Grid Template Box).
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open Home page of the website to view changes.
Grid on Archive pages
Check this option to enable grid view on archive pages.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Default grid block size
Select default block size for your grid post display. There are 4 predefined box sizes for posts in grid (Large wide, Large square, Small wide and Small square). If you choose any of this sizes, all the posts in grid will be displayed in that size. You can still set block size for any individual post and it will override this option for that post. There is another box size, Random size, that will choose randomly one of the 4 available sizes for each post.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open your grid page of the website to view changes.
Show grid content on hover
When this option is enabled, it will hide all content of the grid blocks and only display post images. All other content (Post title, category, date etc.) will be shown when you hover that block with your cursor.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open your grid page of the website to view changes.
Grid ad code
Paste your advertisement embed code, image or any html to be displayed in grid. Only 300x250 ad block size is supported here so that it doesn't break grid view.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open your grid page of the website to view changes.
Grid ad position
This is offset for the ad that you are displaying in the grid. If you set this value to 5, for example, first 5 posts will be displayed, then ad block will be displayed, and then the rest of the posts.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open your grid page of the website to view changes.
Grid ad repeat
Set this option to any number different than zero and ad block will be repeated after that many posts (starting from the number you set in "Grid ad position" field).
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open your grid page of the website to view changes.
Here is the overview for the Posts tab in Theme Options page.
Archive list type
Select how posts in archive are to be displayed. There are 6 predefined styles for you to choose from.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Post pagination type
Select do you want navigation in archives to be displayed as "Load more" button, Avantgardia Classic navigation or WordPress Classic navigation. If you are using any plugin that is relying on WordPress navigation hooks, set this option to WordPress Classic navigation.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Default post type
Select how you want your single posts to look like. There are 5 predefined post styles that you can use. Any style you choose here will be applied to all of your posts, but you can still go to individual posts and override this setting for that particular post.
Length of excerpt
Setup number of words you want your excerpt to show. If you set your excerpt in post manually, this option will be ignored.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Show view count
This is global switch for enabling/disabling view count on posts. If you don't want your posts to display number of views, leave this option disabled.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category or post page of the website to view changes.
Enable Sharing
Check this option to enable sharing buttons on your posts and pages. If you don't want your posts to display share buttons, leave this option disabled.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any page of the website to view changes.
Read more text
Replace default WordPress read more text [...] with whatever you set in this field. Surround your text with [link][/link] tags to link it to the post.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Number of related posts
Setup number of related posts that are displayed on single post pages under post content. If you set this to "0" you will disable displaying of related posts.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any single post to view changes.
Cap grid title length
Since posts in grid have limited amount of space for displaying text, you can set maximum text length for titles. Set this option to any number greater than 0 to enable capping of length of titles in grid block posts.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any grid page of the website to view changes.
Box Shadow around post blocks
Check this option to enable displaying shadow around post blocks.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any category page of the website to view changes.
Ads on single posts
Check this option to enable displaying ads in single post content.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any single post of the website to view changes.
Single post ad code
Paste your advertisement embed code, image or any html to be displayed in single post content.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any single post of the website to view changes.
Single post ad size
Select the size of the ad that is to be displayed on single post pages. This ad block supports two ad sizes, 300x250px and 300x600px.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options. Open any single post of the website to view changes.
Here is the overview for the Social Links tab in Theme Options page.
You can set up to 8 predefined social media links that are going to be shown in the footer of your website, and two more custom links that you can set.
Custom links have field for URL and field for text. In URL filed you can set link to any page that you want, and in the text field you can add FontAwesome icon code or any other icon that you want to embed.
Example: If you want to add link to an Instagram profile, you will have to put link in the Custom social link 1 field, and this code <i class="fa fa-instagram"></i> in the Custom social link text field (that is if you want to use FontAwesome icon).
Here you can setup Advance options for your website.
Custom CSS
If you want to make small changes to the looks of the theme, and still save your changes when you update the theme, paste your custom CSS code here. You don't need <style> tags, just pure CSS code.
Click on the "Save Options" button in the bottom right of the page to save your options.
When creating new post with our theme, you have few additional options that you might want to use.
Block size
If you are using grid template to display post, you will use this option to select the size of the block for this post on grid pages. Leave "Default" to use global setting for block size (in theme options) or set specific size of block for displaying this post.
Post ad options
Use this option to override global single post ad settings. To add custom ad to one specific post, paste your ad code in text area, check box to enable this option, and choose ad size from the drop down menu at the bottom of the box. There are only two ad sizes supported, 300x250px and 300x600px.
Post source info
If your post is using text that is copied from some other website that you want to reference, put that site name and URL in the appropriate fields in this box and the reference will appear at the bottom of your post.
Post layout
You can use this option to override global style settings for this post. Just choose how you want to display your post, or leave this option at default to use global settings.
You can also set the height of media in the post header here (it only works if you are displaying images in post header).
Post media description
If you want to add some additional description for the media that you are using in post header, you can fill this text area and the text will appear in the appropriate place in single post header, under the media.
You can also set the height of media in the post header here (it only works if you are displaying images in post header).
Custom content box
You can use this option to display short text inside your post content text, or to add more banners or html elements to your post.
Enable custom content box
Check this option to enable displaying custom content box on single posts.
Box title
Just a simple title for your Custom content box.
Put your content for the box here. You can also put shortcodes, html or banner embed code here.
Use for banner display
Check this option if you want to use this box for displaying banner. Paste your banner code in the content box.
Select if you want your box to be aligned to the left or to the right of the post.
This option allows you to position Custom content box vertically inside WordPress post. Here you will select after how many paragraphs do you want your box to appear.
After you have set these options, your result should look something like the image below.
Post media
This options are only visible if you select "Video" or "Audio" post format and it enables you to add embeded video or audio content to your post header. Just paste your video or audio url in the apropriate box, or paste your emebed code and it will appear in the post header.
Quote Post Format Content
This box is only visible if you select "Quote" post format. Here you can set name of the person being quoted, and the quote, and they will appear in post header.
Post gallery
This box is only visible if you select "Gallery" post format. Here you can select multiple images from your WordPress media library, arrange them as you want and they will appear in the post media header.
Page templates enables you to create beautiful pages easily.
You can choose one on five unique predefined page templates that you can use depending on your needs.
Page slider
Page slider box is available for all page templates except for Contact page template. Here you can paste shortcode for displaying the slider you have created using Avantgardia Slider builder or Slider Revolution.
You can also set the width of your slider. Boxed slider will appear in the width of the page text content, Page width option will display slider in the width of the page, above page content and sidebar, and Window width option will stretch slider in the full width of the browser above page content and sidebar.
Contact page options
When you select Contact Page template, this options box will appear. Here you paste embed code for your map, and put in some basic contact information for your contact page.
Contact page will also display contact form if you fill in email for contact form to be sent to. This email will not be shown anywhere on the website, but all the contact messages that are sent using contact form will be delivered to this address. Contact form has some basic anti-spam protection, so you don't need to worry about bots.
There are two Grid templates, (Grid Template and Grid Template Boxed). They don't have any additional options, but you can use them to display posts in full width grid and boxed grid. Full width grid doesn't have sidebar, but boxed grid template can have sidebar.
When you select News Page Builder template News Page Builder box will appear with page builder and some additional options.
Clicking on the big "+" button will add new News block to the builder that you can then setup to your liking.
There are 11 predefined styles for News Blocks that you can choose from. Each block can display some number of posts which you can setup manually, or just choose categories from which you want to display posts. You can also set just some specific post that you want to show, or mix some specific post and post from categories that you have selected.
If you choose to mix specific post with posts from categories, then first specific posts that you have selected will be shown, and then, the rest will be loaded from the categories that you have selected.
You can select one or multiple categories that can be shown as post filters in the News Block, order posts by date, views or other options, etc.
Block title
Just a simple title for your news block.
Choose block template
You can select one of the 11 predefined looks for your news block. Try them all and choose those that you like the best.
Add specific posts
Here you can add specific post to the News Block. Just start typing post name in the input field and you will get a list of possible posts from which you can select the ones you want. After you have selected the posts, they will appear in the box bellow the input field. Here you can rearrange them, remove the ones you don't want and make them sticky. If you make some post sticky, they will be shown first in this News Block, and they will stay visible even when you change to the next page of the news block.
Add Categories
This is the list of all the categories that you have on your website. You can choose from which categories you want to display posts in this News Block. Just click on category name, and it will appear in the box on the right (Selected Categories). You can remove or rearrange categories from the list of selected categories.
Order by
Select criteria by which you want your posts to be ordered.
Show cat filters
If you set this option to "Yes" and you have selected some categories you will get category filters on the top of News Block.
Show navigation
If you set this option to "Yes" you will get previous/next buttons on the top of News Block that you can use to list pages.
News page ads
Put your ad code here. This is responsive ad block, it starts with 728x90 size, then shrinks down to 468x60, then finally 320x50 depending on the screen size.
You can also select after how many news blocks you want your ad to appear, and after how many blocks to repeat ad block.
When you select this template Two Column page options box will appear on the page.
Two Column page options
Here you can setup options for displaying posts and ads on two column page template.
Left column
Here you will setup how do you want left column of this page to look like. You will select category from which you want to display posts, and set column title (if you don't set it, then selected category name will be used as title), set criteria for ordering posts and choose how many posts do you want to display in this column.
You can setup ads that you want to display in this column. You can also select after how many posts you want your ad to be displayed, and after how many posts do you want to repeat it. Only two ad sizes are supported for this column, 300x250px and 300x600px.
Right column
Here you will setup how do you want right column of this page to look like. You will select category from which you want to display posts, and set column title (if you don't set it, then selected category name will be used as title) and set criteria for ordering posts.
You can setup ads that you want to display in this column. You can also select after how many posts you want your ad to be displayed, and after how many posts do you want to repeat it. Only two ad sizes are supported for this column, 300x250px and 300x600px.
AG Slider is elegant and simple slider that you can use to display latest post or to simple highlight some posts that you want.
Slider title
Enter title for your slider here. This title wont be visible anywhere except on this page in slider list, and is used for creating shortcode for this slider, so choose it wisely.
Select template
Currently there are 3 slider templates that you can use. Choose the one that you like the best.
Add elements
Here you will add elements to your slider. Each element you add can be single post, or category from which posts will be selected.
If you set element to display single post, you will then need to type in the name of the post in the input field and the post will appear in the list. Click on the post that you want to use.
if you set element to display post from category, then you will need to select from which category do you want to get posts, and how many post to show, and slider will get that meny latest post from that category automatically.
Click on "Save slider" button, and you are good to go.
After you have saved lisder, it will appear in the list below with some basic informations about it. If you click on "Edit" button, you will load slider in the form above and you will be able to make some changes.